Saturday, September 11, 2021

Get Rid Of Foot Pain & Knee Pain At The Best Orthotics Center

Foot pain may seems to be minor problem to a person but, a person suffering from the same may be facing a lot of issues with a regular foot pain such as problem in moving. Apart from this, it may affect a person both physically and physiologically. Foot pain treatment should be started as soon as possible with a doctor or a podiatrist. Some of the common reasons for foot pain are bunions, plantar Fasciitis, corns, heel spurs and tendonitis. Bunions can be very painful and they have treated by wearing more comfortable shoes. In case of plantar fasciitis rest and stretching can be very helpful. While in heel spurs physical therapy and customer made orthonics is most suitable.

The other most common pain with the legs is knee pain. This issue can be seen with most of the people who are suffering from arthritis. This is also commonly seen in old age group people. Mostly people at the early stage of knee pain ignore them. But, this may take a giant shape if proper care and treatment is not done. There are various natural methods of knee pain treatment along with surgical method. But in most of the cases people prefer to go for natural way of getting treated. Massage, light exercises, walking, and yoga are some of the treatment methods. The last treatment option chosen by people is knee replacement surgery.

Swollen feet may be caused due to stagnated blood at the feet or ankles, poor diet, wrong posture or any other disease. Although swollen feet do not causes pain but when it continues for longer time, it may be discomfort to the body while moving. Swollen feet treatment can be done through consultation from podiatrist. They can suggest various measures like elevation, exercise, having proper diet and use of ankle wraps. When the problem persists in legs or joints, the treatment should be taken from experienced orthotist or Orthotics Center for complete treatment. They use latest medical technology and natural therapies for treating people. When it comes to problem of feet and knee, one should visit the Orthotics Center at the earliest. When treatment is started at time it may reduce the pain and give a lifelong relief. Orthotics Centers play a vital role as they deeply analysis each case of knee pain or foot problems. They keep updates at every stage of treatment and ensure to cure the patients completely.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Few Medical Problems Of Foot And Its Treatment

When calcium is deposited on underside of heel bone and it causes bony protrusion, it is called heel spur. If it is exposed to X-ray, then it appears to be extended by half inch, and without X-ray this condition is known as heel spur syndrome. Calcium deposits are built up on lower side of heel bone in few months. These are caused by excessive strains on foot muscles and ligaments. Heel spurs are common in athletes, who perform large amount of running and jumping. Heel spur treatment may be done through non-surgical treatments such as, stretching exercises, wearing special shoes, taping to rest stressed muscles, wearing shoe inserts and physical therapy. Apart from this there are few medicines which may give relief from heel spur. Otherwise, surgery is another option for the treatment of heel spur.

Thick band of tissue which runs between toes and bottom of foot and connects toe to heel bone, if it gets inflammation then plantar fasciitis is caused. It causes acute pain, and it occurs when you put your first step in the morning. Although, this pain decreases slowly but if you stand for long time or when you stand up after sitting, pain may return. Plantar fascia is in bowstring shape, which supports the arch of foot and absorbs shocks when we walk. Excessive stress and tension on bowstring may cause tears in fascia and this causes plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis treatment may be conservative, or through medications, or through therapies. Apart from these, there are other options such as surgery, ultrasonic tissue repair.

People having flat foot have either very low arch or no arch, if they stand on the ground both of feet are flat on the ground. Arches in the foot work like a spring and help to distribute body weight to feet and legs. If due to flat feet there is pain then wearing supportive or well-fitted shoes can help, also wearing of wide shoes may provide relief. Fitted insoles, custom designed arch supports and orthotics may give relief. If the cause of flat feet is obesity then reducing weight will be beneficial. All these methods can be used for Flat foot treatment.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Scoliosis treatment Singapore

 Scoliosis can be treated to help alleviate pain and restore normal functionality. We Can Help You. Call Us Now @+65 6684 2168. Make An Appointment. Scoliosis treatment Singapore: Lower Back Pain?, Migraine?Running straight down the center is the spine, also known as the vertebrae column.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Best Foot and Back Problem Treatment in Orthotics Centers

Foot problems are common with the changing life style of the people. They even go on increasing, if they are not treated properly. As the name suggests Overlapping toe is extension of one toe over the other. It is also known as hammer toe. Some of the problem that is faced in case of overlapping toe is foot pain and discomfort while walking. There are different methods of overlapping toes treatment. First one is surgical and the other is non-surgical. Some of the non-surgical treatment methods are:

  • Wearing corrective shoes
  • Providing foot support such as Toe separators
  • Toe Loops and bandages

In case the same is not treated through this, surgeries can be carried to correct the overlapping toe.

Knee swelling indicates that there is some problem in the knee and it may be due to collection of fluid around the knee. The home remedies may give temporary relief. If the problem persists for longer time, it is the time to consult a doctor. Swollen knee treatment includes compression, elevation, joint aspiration, knee exercises and weight management. Consulting an Ortho doctor is necessary when there is severe pain in the knee or it is difficult to bend it. The Ortho look on the condition, analyze and provides best treatment. Some of the treatments they choose are arthrocentesis, arthroscopy and joint replacement.  The other problem that relates with back is scoliosis. It is mostly seen in children and females. The people who are having such problem are using having S shaped curve on their spines. Scoliosis treatment Singapore is given based on the age, sex and the maturity of bones. It is very important to get the treatment through best ortho care centers who have qualified doctors. They should ensure proper treatment and after treatment advice for complete healing from problems.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Heel Spur and Its Ways of Treatment

Heel spur treatment is required to cure the problem of heel spur. This is normally caused due to extra deposition of calcium at the heel. This increases the bone size by approximately half inch. Heel spur may be caused due to strains on foot muscles and ligaments. Heel spurs are normally caused in those persons who are athletes, who do lot of running and jumping. Heel spur can be caused due to aging, diabetes, or having flat feet or high arches. Heel spurs are associated with plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammation whereas heel spurs are usually painless. Plantar fascia is fibrous band of connective tissue, that runs along the bottom of foot and connects ball of the foot with heel bone.Its treatment include anti-inflammatory medicines, exercises and custom made orthotics. If these treatments fail, then surgery may be required for its treatment.

High arch treatment is needed in such a case when any person is having high arched feet.It is an inherited structural deformity. Weight bearing stress is generally distributed across the entire foot, but the persons with high arches carry their weight on the balls of the foot and heels, and this places extra stress on ankles and toes. This causes pain and instability. Persons having high arches, can’t absorb shocks, and this can increase the risk of ankle sprain or fracture. High arches can develop at any age and occur in one or both feet. Treatment of high arches may be surgical or non-surgical. Non-surgical options are, ankle braces, custom orthotic devices, physical therapy, and custom orthotic shoes. If this therapy doesn’t give any relief then there is surgical treatment, which is either tendon transfer surgery, plantar Fascia release, Osteotomy and Arthrodesis. But these surgeries may have some risks, such as infection, formation of clots, nerve damage etc;

Friday, December 25, 2020

Take Help Of Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment In Singapore For Your Knees

The problem of knee Arthritis becomes so much talkative for yourself when your are feeling overweight, your lower limb joint muscles is feeling tightness or weakness, you are having any previous knee injury or you are feeling exhausted with excessive wear & tear in knee joints due to high-impact activities.

All these things might be related to the knee arthritis, whose symptoms can be:-

  • Bumps/nodes around your knee
  • Cracking sound or grinding while moving your knee
  • The knee is ‘giving way’ after some exercise.
  • With prolonged walking or standing, your knee pain is getting increased.
  • Morning stiffness/ swelling

Well, if you are experiencing any of those symptoms then Knee osteoarthritis treatment Singapore can help you in this regard. With the help of better treatment options available for Knee osteoarthritis, you can maintain the strength of your leg muscles.

Treatment methods applied by foot pain treatment in Singapore:-

  • Use of regular Exercise to help you maintain the inner strength of your leg muscles & ligaments both to stabilise the joints.
  • Anti-rheumatic drugs truly modified for knee arthritis treatment.
  • Non-steroidal drugs to lower down the pain, swelling & stiffness in the osteoarthritis
  • Steroids for the joint to relieve pain & swelling.
  • Physiotherapy exercises for better stabilization.
  • Maintenance of X-Ray and MRI reports with clear observation.
  • Surgery in worst case scenario to correct the joint deformity or for perfectly replacing the damaged joint.

How Knee osteoarthritis treatment Singapore can be helpful?

It is always a good thing to consult any specialist for the knee pain in Singapore if you are facing bad knee condition. While it is quite easy to find any knee pain doctor in Singapore, but at the same time you need professionals who can look after your treatment, recovery, after affects of overlapping toes treatment.

For any emergency you can take help of knee pain specialist that can fulfil all your needs pertaining to urgent recovery and treatment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Best Orthopedic In Singapore

 Health is a measure concern in our daily life. Our life is dependent on health only. According to the health organization, Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. No one in this world is completely fit and healthy throughout their life. As the person grows older things get even worse and body starts getting weaker day by day. Our lifestyle, daily routine, diet etc plays a vital role to continue with good health. People have become so busy that they do not take care of their health properly and that invites diseases at in later part of life. Skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner and not taking proper rest, ignoring physical health causing issues. Stress is plays major role. Age is also a factor which brings much illness with time. TLM Orthotics centre is an award winning medical centre which is playing a magical history in Singapore in the field of Orthopedic. They are specialist in foot, knee, bunion and other disease as well. They are providing full body orthotic treatment for all ages. They help in curing the patient without any medication and surgery.


Disease: Although there are countless disease in our body but some of them are prolonged. Only a good treatment can cure it. Foot pain treatment is the biggest challenge for every age and it become severe in the old age but the treatment for foot pain has become easy in Singapore. No wonder that foot pain is a common ailment that many face today. We walk on an average of 8,000 to 10,000 stepsevery single day. One should not ignore this foot pain, usually the pain goes after taking rest but continue for prolonged period, one should consult the orthotic treatment and this orthotic centre is best to go with. Some common issue with foot are Ankle pronation , Heel Spur, Plantar Fasciitus, Flat foot, High Arch, Hammertoes, Swallon foot and Bunion treatment Singapore which is a bony bump that forms on the base of big toe joint. Wearing tight fitting shoes or pointed heels develop this condition. This is also very easy to get cured with orthotics treatment. Knee pain treatment is also a challenging issue these days. Knee joint are made up with bones and are connected to various leg muscles which allow movement of the leg. This is just a perception that knee pain develop with age and one has to bear it but it is common in elderly as well. People rely on painkiller to get relief but here this treatment centre offers the treatment with its full cure. They also offer orthotic treatment for Knock knees, bow legs, swollen knees and knees osteoarthritis.

Process of Treatment: One can easily approach on call and fix the appointment before consultation. Conditions are being asked on call and then the appointment is scheduled. It is not like that they calls everyone if the condition is worst and the patient need specialist help. They reject within 15min if the condition is not preceded for treatment. There are five stages of treatment they proceed with and one gets a good result out of it. They have their own products available for the treatment like Orthotic shines with different prices which are available on website. Customized shoes are also available with warranty. Orthotic insoles are also available. They are available with shop in Singapore for shoes which sells shoes men & women.

Charges: Treatment fee is determined as per the requirement of the disease and that is determined by their Orthotics.  Pricing of shoes also varies according to the patient requirements. For 1st and 2nd consultation fee starts at $25 every 15min on weekdays and $38 for every 15min on weekends. Consultation on phone is absolutely free.

TLM is an award winning medical centre, which provides full body orthotic treatments for the patient of all ages. Also treat to musculoskeletal pain. The centre uses bio mechanical principle to produce orthotic for musculoskeletal condition. They are responsible for the prescription, manufacturer and management and havetreated more than 20,000 patients in past 20years without any complaint. This is the first centre in Singapore, which uses biomechanical principle. Their mission is to relief pain and discomfort in human and it is known as model organization for excellence service and maintain a reputation in Orthotics. It has recently been selected for the Bizz winner 2020. Recognized to best enterprises in field of healthcare and many more recognition the organization has received. They also provide career opportunity with different job description which is available on website

To know more details, please visit:

Get Rid Of Foot Pain & Knee Pain At The Best Orthotics Center

Foot pain may seems to be minor problem to a person but, a person suffering from the same may be facing a lot of issues with a regular foot ...